Greenhalgh, Nigel
Du willst dein Schulenglisch aufpolieren, schreckst aber vor den vielen grammatischen Übungen zurück oder hast einfach Angst dich vor anderen zu blamieren? Dann ist dieser Kurs das Richtige für dich. Hier lernst du einfach Spaß mit der Sprache zu haben. Die Hemmungen fallen weg. Der Kurs geht nicht (nur) um Grammatik, sondern wie man sich ausdrücken und kommunizieren kann. Der Kursleiter ist "native Speaker" und nennt seine eigene entwickelte Methode "Living English". Come and enjoy!
This course is for everyone who just loves speaking English. It is perfect for students with a good working knowledge of English (5 years of school English or equivalent). Don't lose all those English skills you have already learnt. Stay "up to date" and "in the flow!" The course is led by a "native speaker", who has developed his own fun method called "Total Living English". It is very relaxed and especially designed to help get people to express themselves in English. Learn up to date phrases, key elements of grammar, historical and cultural facts. Come and enjoy!
It's great to talk! So, let's get talking, reading and discussing. "Living English" is enjoying the living side of language. The course is fun and entertaining, but it is also very importantly interesting and informative. Providing course members with plenty of opportunity to express themselves and in the process learn new words and phrases and how to use them. We will delve British culture and literature as well as many contemporary news issues. "Learning by Doing" that is "Living English!" No book required.